Composer and Artist 2020-2021

Part of the feast in Charlotte Mason is having a rich exposure to art and music! Usually, I try to plan our learning around what is offered at the Nashville Symphony and the Frist Art Museum. This year, we don't have a plan in place due to COVID-19 so I'm moving forward with our own choices for our composer and artist.

The resource we're using for composers is The Composer Study Companion. I spent two years writing this book and released it in January of this year! I'm hoping that it is a really helpful resource for my friends! We used it last semester in our co-op as we studied Mozart. For 2020-2021, here are the composers we will study:

Term 1: Haydn
Term 2: Liszt
Term 3: Handel

All three of these composers are included in the 2nd book of the Thomas Tapper reprinting (Amazon link) and both of my kids have their own book so they can cut and paste the pictures while learning about the life of the composer.

The songs that we will focus on each week are in the Composer Study Companion book (Amazon link.) This is where all of my time was spent over two years. Listening to pieces and choosing which songs were among the best to expose my children to. I also wrote activities to go along with each musical selection because it's more fun learning and listening to a composer's piece when you can "actively listen!" I don't want my blog post to turn into a sales pitch, but I'm happy to answer any questions about the resource! You can also download Bach for free on the website (link here!)

For art, we're using the resources from A Humble Place Blog!

Term 1: Da Vinci
Term 2: Courbet
Term 3: Rembrandt

You can view all her artist study resources here (blog link) and order print copies for a great price! I download the prints and send them to our local printer to use in our Morning Basket Menus!

I like having a biographical insert for our morning basket menu too - you can download my sheet here!


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