Folk Songs and Hymns 2020-2021

This year, I decided to look through historical folk songs to help coincide with our history topics for the year. There are too many to choose from when looking at 1800-1900 just like there are too many books and resources to choose from in order to spread a feast! We'll be happy with what we are able to cover! The hymns are mostly from last year's Ambleside Online list. I found the YouTube channel "folksandhymns" late in the year and want to utilize her beautiful recordings in our school year this year! I hope she continues to publish this year! We may stay a year behind just to take advantage of her wonderful recordings!


The E-RI-E (Erie Canal 1800s)

Come, Ye Disconsolate


When We All Get to Heaven


El-a-noy (1841 folk song about moving westward from the Wabash to Illinois)

Banks of the Sacramento (Gold rush around 1850)

A Mighty Fortress is our God


Civil War folksongs  (1861-1865)
Union Maid

Tenting Tonight

O Thou Who Camest From Above


O Tannenbaum

Lo, How a Rose Er Blooming


Acres of Clams (1874 song about settling along the pacific northwest and looking for gold)

Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise


The Wabash Cannon Ball (Wabash railroad 1882)

And Can it Be


Drill Ye Tarriers (1888 railroad worksong)



We Won (from the musical about Women's suffrage: 19 the Musical)

I Surrender All


Tennessee Waltz

Come Thou Fount


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