2023-2024 School Planning

I have been enjoying my summer preparing and planning for Form 3. We follow Charlotte Mason's method of education in our homeschool but I piece it together through community opportunities and the books that I really want to use for certain subjects! There is nothing wrong with going with an already planned curriculum like Ambleside Online, Simply Charlotte Mason, A Gentle Feast, or others.... but for our family I like to know that what I plan and use will be the right fit.

If you've seen any of my other planning posts you know that I use the three divisions of Knowledge of God, Knowledge of Man, Knowledge of the Universe to categorize our subjects. Charlotte Mason's Volume 3 and Volume 6 give a detailed glimpse of all the subjects in a feast! It can be overwhelming to say the least! (Here is chapter 10 of Volume 6)

We don't always get every subject in every week but I do try to make sure the principles and the why behind each subject is spread out on our "table" of knowledge.

Here is my plan for this school year!

Knowledge of God:

"Of the three sorts of knowledge proper to a child, the knowledge of God, of man, and of the universe,––the knowledge of God ranks first in importance, is indispensable, and most happy-making. Mothers are on the whole more successful in communicating this knowledge than are teachers who know the children less well and have a narrower, poorer standard of measurement for their minds. Parents do not talk down to children, but we might gather from educational publications that the art of education as regards young children is to bring conceptions down to their 'little' minds. If we give up this foolish prejudice in favour of the grown-up we shall be astonished at the range and depth of children's minds; and shall perceive that their relation to God is one of those 'first-born affinities' which it is our part to help them to make good." Vol 6 pg 159

Bible and commentary - in Form 3 students are reading more than just the Bible, they are also reading and discussing commentary on the scripture. For that reason, I researched different Old Testament Survey and other Bible reading options that might have a great source of commentary along with scripture. I landed on the PACES which I know have quite a reputation (not positive.) However, with the subject of Bible I have been pleased with what I've seen. I'm not a huge fan of busy work so my children know that the main purpose of going through this study is to read scripture, read the commentary, memorize key verses, and discuss the main ideas in each section. This is the plan we are using.

In addition to these workbooks we have Bible studies at church. I'm so thankful for a rich teaching background in the youth group. We attend Sunday mornings for Sunday School and Worship where they take notes on the sermon and also Wednesday night studies.

We'll also read several chapters from Hearts and Hands, a literary account of Church history that we have enjoyed through the years. John Wesley, Elizabeth Fry, Liang Fa, and David Livingstone will be our focus this year.

Knowledge of Man:

History - we'll be focusing on American History from 1650-1800 this year (using Upon a Pivot as our spine) as well as ancient Chinese/Asian history. Although Halliburton's Book of the Orient is labeled as Geography, there is soooo much history within the pages. We're also using some historical fiction and literature to supplement our study on ancient China. 

One of the important habits of Form 3 is documenting our learning in a Book of Centuries. This is a book with pages for each 100 years of an age. Students can illustrate on one side of the page and add in the people, places, or events on the other side. Read more about our Book of Centuries. The habit of keeping our Book of Centuries will be an actual time in our upcoming tutorial called Magnanimous Academy. Students will share what they have done at home, or enter an event that we have talked about in our class. 

Literature - part of our new Wild + Free group is a monthly book discussion. The books we are reading this year are: Amos Fortune, Free Man, Beowulf, Pax, Cricket on the Hearth, Greenglass House, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Young Fu of the Upper Yangze, and probably a few more to add later. At home we will also read King Arthur and Otto of the Silver Hand by Pyle as well as the Bulfinch Age of Chivalry! We will work through the Michael Clay Thompson Poetry book and have a regular tea time! Teenagers need that special time and my kids have grown up loving the tradition! We'll also have some Shakespeare in our Magnanimous Academy, poet study with Tennyson and Chaucer in the first semester, possibly Robert Burns and Wordsworth in the second semester.

Citizenship - In Magnanimous Academy we will be reading through Charlotte Mason's Volume 4 which was written for students. It's called 'Ourselves' and students will be discussing the character qualities of "mansoul." We'll also study Plutarch's writings of the life of Fabius Maximus.

Composition/Writing - Going over Charlotte Mason's thoughts on composition encourages me that we will continue to do what we've been doing in written narrations. I have started Christian on the five paragraph essay and he has written a book report. I'll encourage one book report a semester this year as part of his written narrations.

Languages - In Magnanimous Academy we will be translating simple Aesop Fables while learning Latin vocabulary. I've loved Canon Press and their approach to teaching Latin grammar through complete sentences. Minimus Mouse is similar and another favorite! I am also using Emma Serl's grammar lessons for English grammar. I wanted to use the Michael Clay Thompson but found that we will do better sticking with what we have already started (and using Michael Clay Thompson for poetry.)

Art and Music - With Magnanimous Academy we will be studying the life of Titian (art) and Mozart (music) in the first semester. We'll also be involved in Nashville Notes - I'll be teaching ages 4-9 and Christian and Eva Mae will be playing in the band (baritone and flute.)

Knowledge of the Universe

Science - I've created a detailed schedule for our science this year! I'm looking forward to all the opportunities we will have to show what is outlined in Volume 6 for this age:
"The studies of Form III for one term enable children to––"Make a rough sketch of a section of ditch or hedge or sea-shore and put in the names of the plants you would expect to find." "Write notes with drawings of the special study you have made this term," "What do you understand by calyx, corolla, stamen, pistil? In what ways are flowers fertilised?" "How would you find the Pole Star? Mention six other stars and say in what constellations they occur." "How would you distinguish between Early, Decorated and Perpendicular Gothic? Give drawings." Questions like these, it will be seen, cover a good deal of field work, and the study of some half dozen carefully selected books on natural history, botany, architecture and astronomy, the principle being that children shall observe and chronicle, but shall not depend upon their own unassisted observation.

The study of natural history and botany with bird lists and plant lists continues throughout school life, while other branches of science are taken term by term."

Geography - this is intertwined with our history as well. We are focusing on the countries of Asia with Trick Geography (our mapwork) and Halliburton's Marvels of the Orient.

Math - Christian will be moving through Algebra 1/2 and Eva Mae will use Saxon 7/6 for two years.

Physical Development and Handicrafts - We will be hiking with our Wild + Free group often but I also want to get all of us on a better morning routine where we get some exercise in before we start school. Handicrafts will look different now that they are older. Eva Mae just finished a month of sewing lessons and Christian is currently in coding and robotics. I'm counting these as our handicrafts! :)

If you're interested to see what previous planning years looked like, see 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 

I love seeing our curriculum on one page - feel free to download to visit each link and learn more! 

If you would like my help with a consultation, please reach out and we can schedule something in person or online! Saturday mornings are usually free for me and I'll help you organize your schedule and suggest books and resources! A 2-3 hour session is $35 - I'll also give you access to my at-a-glance planner that I use and print on my refrigerator! Everyone has their own organization systems that work for them and this is what I like to use for our family!

Here's a shot of what it looked like last year:


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