Hymn and Folk Song 2021-2022

We are looking forward to another wonderful year of folksongs and hymns in our monthly school rotation! To download lyric sheets for each song CLICK HERE

Term 1

August - How Firm a Foundation / Risseldy Rosseldy (or Pete Seeger's recording )

Here is a download of the melody of Risseldy Rosseldy that you can have your young pianists play!

September - We Praise Thee, O God (Revive Us Again) / I'm Going to the Shucking of the Corn

October - God is the Strength of My Heart / Sourwood Mountain

Term 2 

November - Our God, Our Help in Ages Past / Land of the Silver Birch (for a faster sing along, this one)

December - The Cherry Tree Carol / The Christmas Tree / Kentucky Wassail Carol

January - The Love of God / Bill Grogan's Goat

February - As The Deer / Casey Jones

Term 3

March - Like a River Glorious / The Crabfish (or this one that has the mention of the devil and pee pot - not for all audiences but since it's an original sea song and my kids are older and will enjoy the humor we're going with it!)

April - Nearer My God to Thee / The Titanic Disaster

May - At Cavalry / One Morning in May


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