Singing - A Sample 30 Minute Lesson
In my previous posts I've shared a lot of links about the music instruction of singing in Charlotte Mason schools. You can read Part 1 here, Part 2 here , and today, I'll share a sample lesson of what a MODERN Tonic Sol-fa would look like! We still use the same types of principles of breaking up a lesson in rhythm training, sight singing, vocal exercises, etc. Those same principles can be applied using available resources! And don't forget, the modulator, sight-singing, time, and ear-training concepts can all be covered with the units from Solfa Sofa!!! Let the work I already did help you out in your lesson planning! Here's what the timetable has to say: Voice Training - 3 minutes This is training the voice with vocal exercises that increase the vocal range of students, develop good diction and vowel placement and singing timbre of the students! My favorite clinicians for children's choir exercises are Henry Leck and Jay Althouse This is al...