Volume 4 Book Study


During the 2020-2021 school year our local Charlotte Mason group of mamas read through Volume 4 together along with the book In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass. Several years ago we read Volume 6 along with the book For the Children's Sake and enjoyed having a more modern companion book to discuss at our meetings. With Volume 4 being all about "mansoul" and knowing ourselves - the good and bad tendencies that can come from our human nature - I thought Karen's insight into how the "captain principles" worked fit in well. When I first read In Vital Harmony and listened to Karen's seminar "Principles at the Helm" I loved this idea that the principles children are born persons and education is the science of relations intersect (like in this picture) and we get the principle that we understand OURSELVES in regards to will and reason! 

The pairing of both books was a blessing and allowed us to learn so much more about ourselves and also how to schedule Vol 4 to our students when they reach Form 3! Here's a mama guide to a 10 session book club meeting! We meet once a month.

Order In Vital Harmony here / Order Volume 4 here

Session 1 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 1 / Volume 4 page 1-32
Session 2 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 2 / Volume 4 page 33-80
Session 3 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 3 + 4 / Volume 4 pages 81-117
Session 4 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 5 + 6 / Volume 4 pages 118-166
Session 5 - Catch up! Discuss any previous readings
Session 6 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 7 + 8 / Volume 4 pages 167-210
Session 7 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 9 + 10 / Volume 4 (book 2) pages 1-59
Session 8 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 11 / Volume 4 pages 60-108
Session 9 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 12 / Volume 4 pages 109-159
Session 10 - In Vital Harmony Chapter 13 + 14 / Volume 4 pages 160-202

Reading through Volume 4 gave me a good understanding how I want to break up these readings for my children. Charlotte Mason saved the best for last - Book 2 in Ourselves is all about our relationship to God.  In her PNEU programs, Book 1 (pages 1-210) should be read between in grade 7, 8, and 9. (Basically 70 pages a year - or 2 pages a week consistently through each school year.) Book 2 (pages 1-202) should be read in grade 10, 11 and 12.

I want to start with Book 2 because it is so good, but we will begin our readings in Book 1 next year when my son enters 7th grade. Below is a scheduled reading for both Books 1 and 2 in Ourselves - spread out to be read across 3 terms each year.

DOWNLOAD schedule for students

There are questions for students in the appendix of the book to use as narration exercises. You can read them for free here.

I would like to put together a printable guide that has both the text for the readings and the study questions combined. Check back in 2022 and I will try to have that ready when my son begins reading the book!


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