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Messianic Haggadah
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When my children were younger we began the tradition of attending a Seder dinner at a local church and it brought so much meaning to the tradition of the Jewish Feast and the celebration of our Savior, Jesus!
A few years later I discovered an amazing video on YouTube from the creators of Super Book! In the video, 3 young adults share a Seder meal with a Messianic Jewish family. Click here for the video!
This was the inspiration I needed to have our own Seder meal at home! I watched the video and bought each item needed for the meal (lamb shank bone, grape juice, charoset ingredients, parsley, horseradish, eggs, and matzah crackers.)
We set up the computer at the table so we all could see the video and then we would participate with the family while enjoying the clips of the Hebrew Exodus and also the Last Supper of Jesus from the Superbook episodes. If you have young children, I highly recommend doing the food and follow along with the video. (You can buy the Haggadah used in the video here.)
Fast forward to another year, I felt that my children were too old to keep the tradition of the Superbook video so I wanted to find a Haggadah that we could do as a family - but pull in more scripture reading into the dinner. I found some great resources for free from websites like Olive Tree Ministries and Chosen People. (Click the links for their Haggadahs) and I took the free information online to put together in a booklet form (instead of 8.5"x11" file size.)
The tricky thing is how to print it so that you can have the pages work correctly! I have to print the odd pages first and then stack them back into my printer to print the even pages. Another idea is that you could print each page and then cut and staple them together! Each page is numbered so you know which order to keep them in. Download it from this link and save to print for your Passover Seder meal!
I hope it is helpful to you! Also, don't forget a little chocolate coin for the person who finds the afikomen!I almost forgot it this year!!! (I give a little chocolate to everyone! It's a nice little after dinner treat!)
Here was my list for everything we needed: Candle Bowl for water Lamb shanks Eggs (one for each person and more for the meal if you want!) Horseradish (I bought the small jar) Matzah Crackers Parsley Linen napkins to wrap and hide the afikomen (cracer) and to wipe hands during the hand washing. Apples, honey, walnuts, cinnamon, and grape juice for the charoset Chocolate coins 4 cups for each person (and a place setting for Elijah) or you can fill 1 cup as you go through the Haggadah. A small cup of salt water for each person at the table
The Passover meal can be whatever you like to include! We have some matzah ball soup, lamb, potatoes, carrots, pickled vegetables, and more!
Also, the melody for Dayenu can be found here:
This is also a great chart to review while celebrating Passover! Thanks to my friend Lauren who shared it with me! You can read more about each plague here.
Thank you for reading my post! לְשָׁנָה הַבָּאָה בִּירוּשָלָיִם Next year in Jerusalem!
While planning and working on preparations for Year 1 Ambleside , I have found some amazing resources for study guides. Unfortunately, one of the resources is no longer free so I came up with my own document that you are welcome to download and use! CLICK HERE to download the coloring pages I also wanted to have a resource to see the color versions of the birds so I created a photo guide to each bird. CLICK HERE to download the photo companion. Here are some other helpful resources! Burgess Bird Study Guide Burgess Bird Images and more links
Community dancing is such a wonderful activity for all ages! I have seen the question pop up in many homeschool groups about suggestions for resources to teach folk dances so I want to share some of my favorites from teaching music and dance to elementary students in public school and our homeschool groups! If you have the opportunity to find a group already in place to attend and learn dances and observe how they teach you will have a better understanding of how to approach this in a group setting! You may feel like at the beginning like you are herding a bunch of cats but that's ok!!! Practice and consistency will improve the process! Cited Material First, I want to just say how blessed I am that I have been fortunate to have training under the most talented folk dance and movement specialists. I feel like my education and experience has been in the "golden" age through first hand workshops by the following professionals. New ...
In my previous posts I've shared a lot of links about the music instruction of singing in Charlotte Mason schools. You can read Part 1 here, Part 2 here , and today, I'll share a sample lesson of what a MODERN Tonic Sol-fa would look like! We still use the same types of principles of breaking up a lesson in rhythm training, sight singing, vocal exercises, etc. Those same principles can be applied using available resources! And don't forget, the modulator, sight-singing, time, and ear-training concepts can all be covered with the units from Solfa Sofa!!! Let the work I already did help you out in your lesson planning! Here's what the timetable has to say: Voice Training - 3 minutes This is training the voice with vocal exercises that increase the vocal range of students, develop good diction and vowel placement and singing timbre of the students! My favorite clinicians for children's choir exercises are Henry Leck and Jay Althouse This is al...
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