Spring Hill Driving Tour
I'm super excited to share this project I just finished! A little bit of background on why I wanted to make a driving tour: When I first came to Spring Hill I enjoyed the driving tour created by the city that you can pick up at the gift shop in Rippavilla. The historical markers listed on the driving tour have always been a magnet to me! I even visited the Saturn visitor center and museum when it was still open! I don't even think it exists anymore. :( Unfortunately, Rippavilla is currently closed due to COVID19. But, you can still participate in this driving tour to have a kind of fresh take on the history that's always been here. Maybe you already are aware of the history of the Civil War within Spring Hill, or maybe you have recently moved here and would like to know more!? This 25 minute audio + drive time + getting out of your car and exploring should take around 1.5-2 hours of your time. Since my own children are element...