Volume 1 study - pages 279-316


Pages 279-295 have so much to say about history and how important our book choices and activities are to help foster a relationship between our students and the subject of history.  A Delectable Education has always been my first choice in a resource that helps me plan for the books and timelines we use in our own homeschool.  Because we are an American family, I have followed the advice in this section to begin with our own nation's history with my Form 1B kids!  To learn more about book lists and advice from ADE visit this page.
  • Why teach history?  
  • What books should we stay away from?  
  • Why is the early history of a nation better to start with than the later, modern times?
  • Discuss the importance of Plutarch's Lives and give two examples that should regulate the teaching of history.
  • What kinds of books lead well to narration?  
  • Can you give any positive personal experiences from your book choices?


Pages 295-300 take on the subject of grammar and if you have very young kids, you will be relieved to know that formal study of grammar is NOT forced in the early years!  I think Charlotte Mason was so wise in seeing the connections of language growth by exposure to literature and narration FIRST before adding in an academic subject with rules and labels!  Brandy Vencel is one of my favorite CM bloggers and has this article to help understand the teaching of grammar the CM way!

  • Why is English grammar hard and uninteresting to a child?
  • Does the learning of Latin help to learn English grammar?
  • What elements should a child begin with in learning the rules of grammar?

French and Foreign Languages

In our modern age, you may choose to work with a different secondary language, but know that the same principles can apply to how you go about learning a language.  I appreciate all the research and resources that can be found at Mason's Living Languages!

  • How are learning languages an education of the senses?
  • How can we deal with difficulties of accents?
  • What are some principles of the Gouin method?

Arts (Pictoral art, music, handicrafts etc.)

The benefit that we have in this age is knowledge that can be imparted to all of us through the internet!  Blogs, videos, etc. bring professionals right into our homes without having to do the tedious work of finding someone who can cultivate the arts with our children (if we feel inadequate!)  If you search "Charlotte Mason art" or "Charlotte Mason music" on the internet you will find no shortage of advice and recommendations!  I always remind myself of this quote in Volume 1:

If possible, let the children learn from the first under artists, lovers of their work: it is a serious mistake to let the child lay the foundation of whatever he may do in the future under ill-qualified mechanical teachers, who kindle in him none of the enthusiasm which is the life of art.

If you would like my recommendation for art, I love A Humble Place for picture study.  For drawing, we hire a teacher that comes to our home for lessons, and for music I teach my kids and several others in the Tonic Solfa method, piano lessons, and musical drill.  You can find some of my music recommendations on the blog and at http://solfasofa.wordpress.com

  • How should picture-talks be regulated?
  • What can we hope to gain from an arts education?
  • How should the fact that "children have art in them" affect our teaching?
  • What are some suitable handicrafts and physical exercises?


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