Volume 1 Study pages 253-279

The last part of this section is one of my favorites since I do have a strong interest in "place based education" after reading books by David Sobel, Richard Louv, Scott Sampson, and Jon Young!  I think it is so interesting when I read these modern books and their educational philosophies are so closely linked to what CM has written in Volume 1!  They are kindred spirits!  I wonder sometimes how much they might already know about Charlotte Mason in their research and findings!  In each section I have linked some blog posts that I found helpful to read alongside Volume 1 as well as links to some of the books she references.  I hope you have a great time reading this section and learning more about math, science, and geography!

Pages 253-264

  • How should test a child's knowledge of math principles? Why is it important?
  • Discuss mental exercises in math.
  • What manipulatives should be used?
  • What is the best introduction to new concepts like multiplication and division?
  • Discuss the instruction of weights, measurements,  money, and geometry to elementary students.

Charlotte Mason Poetry / Nourished Children / ADE episode 54 / ADE episode 55

pages 264-271

  • Discuss what is said about Herbert Spencer.
  • What are some concepts that students can understand at a young age?
  • Discuss the village school and how the example in this approach works better than traditional text books.
  • 'The principles of natural philosophy are the principles of common sense.' Show how this statement should be a key to our educational practice.
Simply Charlotte Mason / Sabbath Mood / book: The Sciences / book: Scientific Dialogues

pages 271-279

  • How is geography usually taught?  What is the value of geography in education?
  • What information do most children and adults enjoy about places?
  • Do you remember your elementary geography lessons? If so, why?  If not, why do you think you can't remember?
  • How should children be introduced to maps?
Afterthoughts / ADE episode 18 / book: World at Home / Place Based Education


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