Volume 1 Study - pg 199-253

This section covers quite a lot of topics and there are multiple places online that give us more in-depth explanations and resources to help us implement what Charlotte Mason has expected of young children in the subjects of language arts.  After the study questions in each section, you'll find some helpful links to implement these principles in your homeschool!  Enjoy reading!

pages 199-214
When should children learn to read?
Discuss the method of Mrs. Wesley.
What are ways you could teach the alphabet and introduce word making?
Would you describe CM's explanation similar to the CVC/CVCe phonics approach to reading instruction?
Discuss the benefits of prose over poetry.
How is this steady progress different from the casual way children generally learn to read?
Visit this page to find more resources and links to the first reading lessons given to children.

pages 214-222
Discuss how reading and spelling are not the same.
What are the benefits of reading by sight?
Can reading symbols be interesting?
Describe Tommy's lessons in reading and spelling.
Visit this link to listen to more about reading and spelling with the Delectable Education podcast.

pages 222-226
Why do we teach recitation?
What things should we do and what should we avoid?
Discuss the difference between recitation and memorization.
Discuss the story of how the person found memorizing an easy task while she was ill and compare/contrast to children's natural capacity for memorizing.
How would you teach a poem?
Visit this link to listen to a reading from Simply Charlotte Mason about memorization and recitation.

pages 226-231
What are two important points to remember about reading for older children?
What defect can we find in our current education system regarding reading and how can we correct it?
What should we remember while listening to an older child read aloud and what should we avoid?
Should we read aloud to our children that can read for themselves?
Should they be questioned about what they read?
Discuss the selection of the lesson books for a child's education.
Discuss how the attention of children can be secured during a reading lesson and how they should enunciate.
Visit Afterthoughts Blog to read more about that CM buzz word: "Twaddle!"

pages 231-233
Discuss narration and it's use in education.
There are plenty of blog posts you can find if you search "Charlotte Mason" and "narration."  But I would like to personally recommend the book "Know and Tell" by Karen Glass.  I have read this book and others by Glass and she is a wonderful writer with a "voice" that makes everything so easy to understand and implement in your school room!  You can order it here!

pages 233-238
Discuss the expectations of "perfect" handwriting when children begin to learn.
What steps and order should be used in the instruction of handwriting?
What kind of paper and pencil grip should be used?
To read more about "A New Handwriting" referenced click here.  A more modern approach to handwriting can be found in many publications online like SCM.

pages 238-240
Discuss the topic "copywork before dictation.
How does copywork (transcription) help spelling?
Why should text-hand and double-ruled lines be used?
Discuss the grip and enviornment best for copywork.
Read an article here all about copywork.

pages 240-243
Discuss the principles described in the teaching of spelling.
Watch this video explaining dictation and spelling by Sonya Shaffer!

pages 243-247
How is the subject of composition a futility and a moral injury to children?
What kind of teaching is dangerous regarding composition?
How does composition "come by nature?"
I want to suggest the book "Know and Tell" again after reading this section.  Narration and composition go hand in hand.  Karen Glass gives amazing advice on how to develop written narrations into well written compositions for older children.  It is a must read!
pages 247-253
Discuss how children are receptive to the Bible.
What should children know by the time they are 9?
Discuss modern English and other Bible narratives.
What is the difference between essential and accidental truth?
Describe the method of a Bible lesson.
Listen to a podcast on a Form 1 Bible lesson.
Read this post about Bible lessons from Charlotte Mason Poetry. 

Thank you for reading along with me!


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