
Showing posts from June, 2023

End of the year 2022-2023

I turned in my attendance and grades to HomeLife this week so I thought it was the perfect time to blog and reflect on our school year and what we were able to accomplish! If you look back at my planning post (here)  from August last year, you can see how I organized our subjects into the categories "Knowledge of God" "Knowledge of Man" and "Knowledge of the Universe." This categorization makes so much sense to me. For years I thought it was just a Charlotte Mason way of organizing knowledge but it goes back so much farther. For example, Aristotle also organized knowledge in these categories: Episteme, Techne and Phronesis. Episteme means scientific knowledge (Knowledge of the Universe) Techne means knowledge of craft (Knowledge of Man) and Phronesis means ethical knowledge (Knowledge of God.)  Later, Matthew Arnold also wrote about these three categories. Charlotte Mason writes about it in Volume 6: "For ignorance there is only one cure, and that is,...