Volume 1 Study 169-199
I feel like this is where we get into the real "meat" of some of the Charlotte Mason educational methods! Although I would emphatically say that HABIT is the foundation of the child's education, the practical suggestions in the following pages will be very informative to read during our study! Page 169 begins Part 5 of Volume 1. The beginning section deals primarily with the "Kindergarten" years which is what we will focus on in this post. I have especially enjoyed reading through this section as my daughter finishes "Kindergarten" this year! I am so glad to have had the rich and wonderful year with nature loving friends! I hope you catch the "fervour" as your teach your children! Dedicating this post to my other kindergarten moms and teachers! Home and brick and mortar: “The true Kindergartnerin is the artist amongst teachers; she is filled with the inspiration of her work, and probably most sincere teachers have caught some...